Лицензии и программное обеспечение для Huawei AR150
Артикул: AR0SSSLVPN01
AR0SSSLVPN01 AR SSLVPN License-Access 10 users
Артикул: Number-of-concurrent-calls
This license controls Number of concurrent calls
Артикул: H.248-AG
This license controls H.248 AG
Артикул: SIP-AG
This license controls SIP AG
Артикул: PBX-trunk-tandem
This license controls PBX trunk tandem
Артикул: SPR
This license controls SPR
Артикул: URL-filtering
This license controls URL filtering
Артикул: IPS-signature-database-upgrade
This license controls IPS signature database upgrade
Артикул: IPS
This license controls IPS
Артикул: VPLS
This license controls VPLS
Артикул: L2VPN
This license controls L2VPN
Артикул: L2TPv3
This license controls L2TPv3
Артикул: RTC
This license controls RTC
Артикул: SAC
This license controls SAC
Артикул: Number-of-AP
This license controls Number of APs that the WLAN AC supports